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DXN MycoVeggie™

ر.ع.24.50 ر.ع.18.20

Fill Your Belly With Less Calories

- A high fiber food supplement carefully prepared from the finest all-natural ingredients. - Contains vegetables, various mushrooms, spirulina, green tea, mulberry leaf, ginkgo leaf, noni leaf, fruits, herbs and a selection of spices. - High in both soluble and insoluble fiber. - Low in fat, sugar-free, cholesterol-free - Best source of high quality fiber * To serve your shakes in the quickest and easiest way, you are recommended to use DXN shaker. * Ingredient : - Psyllium Husk, Celery, Mulberry Leaf, Noni Leaf, Gingko Leaf, Ginger, Lemon Grass, Shiitake Mushroom, Lyophilium Mushroom, St. George's Mushroom, Lion's mane Mushroom, Elm Oyster Mushroom, Grey Oyster Mushroom, Split Gill Mushroom, Sweet Corn, Lime, Orange, Spirulina, Green Tea, Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae, Cinnamon, Star Anise, Clove.

المايكوفيجي: خليط الألياف النباتية الغذاء الأمثل للجهاز الهضمي يُعَدُّ (المايكوفيجي) مكمِّلاً غذائياً غنياً بالألياف النباتية، وقد أُعِدَّ بعناية فائقة، ويحتوي على أجود المكونات الطبيعية؛ كـ(الخضروات)، وأنواع من (الفطر – المشروم) ذات القيمة الغذائية العالية، ويحتوي أيضاً على (الطحالب البحرية) و(ورق التوت) و(ورق الجِنكة) و(ورق النوني) و(الشاي الأخضر)، ومجموعة من الفواكه والأعشاب والتوابل. وهو منخفض الدهون، وخالٍ من السكر، والكولسترول، وغني بالألياف والفيتامينات، وتتلخص فوائده في النقاط التالية يساعد الجسم على طرد السموم - يساعد الجسم على تطهير الأمعاء، وإخراج الفضلات بلطف وسهولة - كما أنه يمكن استخدام هذا المزيج الصحي كبديل للوجبات، وكجزء من برنامج غذائي لإنقاص الوزن - طريقة الاستخدام: تؤخذ ملعقة (متوفرة معها) مرتين إلى (3) مرات يومياً، قبل الوجبات بساعة *

DXN Papaya Facial Scrub

ر.ع.4.00 ر.ع.3.00
DXN Papaya Facial Scrub is a gentle whitening + smoothing exfoliation scrub with pecan shell granules and zea mays to effectively deep-cleanse and remove dead skin cells. This emollient facial scrub, infused with papaya extract, leaves your skin highly nourished and gently polishes dull, rough and tired skin, removing excess oil from your face, making it silky-smooth with a healthy-looking glow.   Direction: Take right amount and apply to dark skin, gently rub in circular motion and rinse thoroughly.

DXN Pineapple Jam

ر.ع.2.60 ر.ع.2.40
DXN brings you a unique pineapple jam enriched with Ganoderma mycelium and made from 100% pure pineapple. DXN Pineapple Jam is a good choice of food for your family. It is full of exotic tropical fruit taste. DXN Pineapple Jam tastes great as a spread for your favourite toast, biscuits and as fillings for buns, cakes and pastries. Packaging size: 440g per bottle

DXN Spirulina Cereal

ر.ع.13.20 ر.ع.9.70
Spirulina is well-known as a balanced food while high fiber cereals are usually recommended by nutritionists. DXN Spirulina Cereal, made from high quality cereals and spirulina powder offers one of the best source of nutrition. Packaging size: 30 sachets x 30g

DXN Spirulina Powder 50g

ر.ع.11.13 ر.ع.8.30

Alkaline Food from Mother Earth

- Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae or cyanobacteria. - DXN is the first direct selling company in Malaysia to produce Spirulina from the cultivation process to finished goods. - Only the selected best species is cultivated. - Naturally cultivated in a clean pond. - No pesticides or herbicides are applied. - Suitable for children, adults and senior citizens. - Available in tablet, capsule and powder forms to suit your needs. * Ingredients : - DXN Spirulina : Spirulina platensis powder.

طحالب الاسبيرولينا الغذاء المثالي : إن الاسبيرولينا هي نوع من الطحالب التي تنمو في البُحيرات الاستوائية المالحة ، وقد اكتشفها الدكتور كليمينت الفرنسي عام 1962 في تشاد ، وتعتبر أكثر مصادر الغذاء العضوي ، وهي غنية بالمواد المغذية والفيتامينات، وتحتوي على نسبة بروتينات عالية، وبيتا كاروتين، وأحماض أمينية جيدة التوازن، وخاصة الأحماض الأمينية الأساسية، والأحماض النووية، وتحتوي على المعادن وحامض واي - لينوليك، والفايكوكاينين، والفايتونات المغذية، والكلوروفيل، والألياف، وهي مضادٌّ قوي للتأكسد. إلى جانب ذلك فإنها معترف بها من قِبل منظمة الصحة العالمية، والأمم المتحدة، وتُعرف باسم الـ(غذاء السوبر)؛ لأنها تحتوي على جميع الفوائد الموجودة في الطعام الحمضي (اللحوم)، والطعام القلوي الخضروات والفواكه، ولها فوائد كثيرة، يمكن أن نلخصها في النقاط التالية

مفيدة لمرضى نقص التغذية وفقر الدم - أهم مصدر غذائي قلوي للنساء، والأطفال - مفيدة للرياضيين - مفيدة لكبار السن من الرجال والنساء، وبالخصوص النساء -

DXN Vinaigrette

ر.ع.12.40 ر.ع.9.20
DXN Vinaigrette is made from selected rice vinegar and Ganoderma lucidum. It is fermented for years using traditional techniques to preserve its distinctive flavour and quality. DXN Vinaigrette is the right choice to improve your health. Packaging size: - 285ml per bottle - 700ml per bottle.

DXN Virgin Coconut Oil

ر.ع.7.25 ر.ع.5.50
Here comes the DXN Virgin Coconut Oil. It is a high quality coconut oil extracted from the kernels of coconuts. It contains essential fatty acids especially medium-chain fatty acids which are easily digested and good for health. You can incorporate this product in your cooking or baking to produce a wide variety of delicious food. In addition, it is also suitable as a salad dressing to enhance the taste of the vegetables. The DXN Virgin Coconut Oil is available at your nearest DXN branch so do get a hold of it today. Packaging size: 285ml per bottle

DXN Zhi Mint Plus

ر.ع.9.90 ر.ع.7.40
Throat irritation? Bad breath? DXN brings you the innovative Zhi Mint. With one in your mouth, icy cool and soothing relief will be instantaneous. You will have cool, fresh breath. In the midst of our busy lives, an easy to carry handy pack of Zhi Mint can freshen your breath anytime, anywhere. Blended with a mild "Zhi Mint" flavour, it will give you greater confidence when communicating with others. Packaging size: 12 sachets x 25g

Gano Massage Oil

ر.ع.3.60 ر.ع.2.60
Remarkable sensual blend of massage oil that comes with the finest palm oil and Ganoderma extract which is all-natural. Simply start with Gano Massage Oil as a revolutionary way to perk up your massage and soothe your body all the time. Suitable for all skin types.

Ganozhi™ Body Foam

ر.ع.3.70 ر.ع.2.70
Pamper your body with a mild cleansing body foam that is enriched with Ganoderma extract which lathers up in the bath to leave your skin feeling clean without removing the skin's natural oil. Suitable for all skin types.

Ganozhi™ Liquid Cleanser

ر.ع.13.44 ر.ع.10.00
A gentle yet effective cleanser for a swift cleansing action. It is formulated with precious Ganoderma extract, Fagus sylvaticaextract, yeast and panthenol. It cleanses your skin deep into the pores, leaving your skin clean and refreshed. Direction of Use: Squeeze a small amount onto palm and lather with water. Massage onto face then splash clean. Suggested use for morning and night, followed by applying Ganozhi™ Toner and Ganozhi™ Moisturizing Micro Emulsion. Package Size: 150 ml

Ganozhi™ Moisturizing Micro Emulsion

ر.ع.15.10 ر.ع.11.00
An improved moisturizer designed to hydrate and nourish your skin. It is empowered with the latest technology (i.e. nanotechnology) which helps to maximize the absorption of ingredients of Ganozhi™ Moisturizing Micro Emulsion. Designed with nano-sized molecules, it penetrates into your skin faster and effectively. Ganozhi™ Moisturizing Micro Emulsion contains Ganoderma extract, Fagus sylvatica extract, ginseng extract, arnica extract and Vitamin E, leaving your skin smooth and radiant all day long. Direction of Use: Continue the cleansing and balancing action after using Ganozhi™ Liquid Cleanser and Ganozhi™ Toner by applying suitable amount onto the face, massage gently until it is completely absorbed. Package Size: 50 ml